Legal notices

Publishing and hosting

e-Xpert Solutions SA
Chemin du Pont-du-Centenaire 109,
1228 Plan-les-Ouates - Switzerland
Tel. 022 727 05 55


Website : www.e-xpertsolutions.com
Content : text, images, videos
Publisher : e-Xpert Solutions
General Terms and Conditions of Use or GTCU : These general terms and conditions, applicable to the use of the Website.
User : User of the Website

Acceptance of Terms and Conditions

By browsing the e-Xpert Solutions Website, the Internet User implicitly accepts the Terms and Conditions below. The Internet User agrees to be bound by the TOU in their entirety when using the Website. If the Internet User does not intend to be bound by them, the Internet User shall immediately leave the Website.

Modification of the GTU

The GCU may be modified at any time without prior notice. It is the responsibility of the Internet user to check for new content when visiting the Site.

Intellectual property rights

e-Xpert solutions is the exclusive owner of all intellectual property rights to both the structure of the Site and its content.

All site data, texts, images, videos and source codes are the property of e-Xpert Solutions. Copying or re-use is prohibited without the written consent of e-Xpert Solutions.

Data protection - Privacy policy - February 2024

Discover our privacy policy here

Hypertext links

e-Xpert Solutions declines all responsibility for the content of sites linked by means of a hypertext link. Internet users visit linked sites at their own risk.

Applicable law and place of jurisdiction

The GCU are governed by Swiss law. The exclusive place of jurisdiction is Geneva, Switzerland.
